ʔəy҆alməxʷ/Iy҆álmexw/Jericho Lands Policy Statement: A Major Milestone
An artist’s rendering showing the Weave Walk along West 4th Avenue.
Today, the City of Vancouver has released a draft Policy Statement for ʔəy҆alməxʷ/Iy҆álmexw/Jericho Lands, which was developed in partnership with the MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company (MST-CLC). The Policy Statement, if approved by Vancouver City Council, will set the principles and policies that guide the development of the site.
The Policy Statement and other materials are available on the City of Vancouver’s engagement website at shapeyourcity.ca/jericho-lands, where you can ask questions and make comments. Vancouver City Council will be considering the draft Policy Statement in early 2024.
The build-out of ʔəy҆alməxʷ/Iy҆álmexw/Jericho Lands is estimated to take between 20 and 30 years.
Read more and provide comments on the draft Policy Statement at shapeyourcity.ca/jericho-lands.